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60-minute Lymphatic FACE Drainage

Skin aging, puffiness, clenched jaws, fine lines, wrinkles, sinus congestion, skin rejuvenation

  • 1 h
  • 120 US dollars
  • Northeast 8th Street Bellevue WA Crossroads Park Place

Service Description

A lymphatic FACE drainage massage is beyond your typical facial massage. Why? Because our technique specifically deals with Lymphatic System, whose purpose is to drain away fluid in our body that can be harmful to our health. Especially when it accumulates in one place. How does it work? Our technique firstly seeks to drain a build-up lymphatic fluid in the face. We also use circulation to deliver oxygen around the skin while pushing the waste and toxin out of lymph nodes. We then move lymph fluid from face, down and into lymph node on the neck. After this, we drain it to thoracic area. There are numerous lymphatic FACE drainage massage benefits both physical and aesthetic. Here are some of them: 1. Reduces swelling, puffiness and water retention 2. Slow down aging process. Improves blood flow, and brings more oxygen to your skin. 3. Clears skin and blemishes and can result in healthier pores. 4.Improves skin texture and firmness, addressing sagginess. 5.Leads to better stress relief and relaxation, decreasing tension and clenched jaws 6.Reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as reduce dark circles under your eyes 7.Manages breakouts and reduces acne and eczema, including symptoms of oily skin 8. Drain the sinuses and reduce congestion. Please note: 1.We accept Cash, Zelle, Venmo, Paypal, Apple Pay and additional 3% credit card processing fee for any card payment including HSA account. 2.$120/per hour is cash price only. $132/per hour with 10.1% sales tax. 3. Your hand-on service time is 53 MINUTES during this session. 4. As a reminder, we require 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment to avoid $35 cancelation fee.

Cancellation Policy

$35 cancellation fee

Contact Details

  • T. P. Bodywork, PLLC, Northeast 8th Street, Bellevue, WA, USA

Call or Text:   425-941-0258    Fax: 425-952-0648
Email us:
Address: 16301 NE 8th Street STE 164 Bellevue WA 98008
Opening hours: Mondays.-Sundays. 8:00am -5:00pm Appointment Only!

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